Define your personal style & elevate your image.

Personal Styling 1-1

Let's collaborate to define your personal style, find the best shapes and colours, declutter your wardrobe, and discover personalised styled mood boards with shopping suggestions.
Living remotely? No time for an in-person session? Not a problem, we can catch up remotely.

Personal Styling & Shopping Session

Want to feel special for the day? After defining your personal style and discovering what suits you best, let's go shopping together and make you feel like a princess. You can add extra options to this session, such as a hair and makeup tutorial, or simply enjoy a private shopping experience just for you with complimentary bubbles.

Whether you are looking to create professional content for your website or social media channels, the brand is YOU. Let’s work together to create unique & outstanding images and videos that showcase who you are. This service includes hair and makeup on the day, four specific outfits for the shoot, and a gallery of 25 hi-resolution print-quality images and videos.

Photoshoot Branding Session

Wether you are looking to feel more confident in your own skin or just after some advice, my personal styling services packages are tailored for you and your specific needs.
They are designed to empower you with styling knowledge, boosting your confidence and helping you build a strong personal image using fashion as a tool.

These pictures showcase a photoshoot branding session for Gabriela, CEO of Waven Women.
Photographed by Kirk Rinon and Lachlan Connor
Makeup by Jessica Marsden
At Inkeeper Studios

  • "Thanks to the personal styling session, I now feel more confident and stylish than ever before!"


  • "Léa really took the time to listen to my needs and tailored functional everyday outfits that match my lifestyle"


Answering your questions

  • Each session is entirely personalised to the client, so no two sessions are ever the same! We will define which session is best for your during our first call together.

  • Orange, Bathurst and surroundings. There is no travel fee for any of these locations.

  • Each session is entirely personalised to the client, so no two sessions are ever the same! At the time of making your booking, I will email you a list of what you need to do to prepare for your session to make the most of our time together.

  • Your shopping budget is entirely up to you and what you are comfortable with. A good way to get an idea of your ideal budget is to make a list of all of the items you would like to have in your new wardrobe, then next to each item write down a comfortable price point. We’ll prioritise the items that are most useful to your lifestyle and the pieces you will get the most wear out of instantly.

Personal style is not about following trends; it's about expressing your unique identity and feeling confident in your own skin.